The following 5th & 6th grade science lesson will help students gain a brief knowledge of Volcanoes. Students will learn the three types of volcanoes, how lava is produced, and learn why lava flows from volcanoes and what it consists of. There are many great volcano books that can be shared with this lesson.
Volcanoes – Science Lesson Plan PDF
5th-6th Grade Science Lesson: Volcanoes Concept: Students will gain a brief knowledge of
Instructional Objectives: Students will know the three types of volcanoes. Students will know how lava is produced. Students will know why lava flows form volcanoes. Students will know of what lava consists.
Materials Needed:
Overhead diagram of a volcano found in Facts Plus, An almanac of
Essential Information, 1 9 9 5 Susan C. Anthony, Instructional
Resources Company, P . O . Box 111704 Anchorage, Alaska
99511-1704 p. 29 Overhead projector and screen
1. Find out students prior knowledge of volcanoes. Ask if students have heard about a volcano recently in the news. Reinforce correct answers by repeating them to the class. Correctly state answers that are not totally correct.
2. Introduce volcanoes to students by displaying the diagram of volcanoes on the overhead projector.
3. Discuss various parts of the volcano.
4. Discuss types of volcanoes: dormant, active, intermittent.
5. Discuss reasons for eruption. Tectonic plates move and cause gas pressure to build, thus causing an eruption.
6. Discuss how terrain is changed by volcano activity.
Ask children to remember they three types of volcanoes and choose their favorite and draw a picture of it listing 5 facts about that type of volcano.