In the following lesson, student will explore aspects of dinosaurs with literacy activities, through art and dance. Students will have an opportunity to create their own story about a Dinosaur and share their story in front of the class They will also use fine motor skills to create their own dinosaur out of play dough creating a “playdou-a-saur” and explore dance and drama. Objectives: – The students will have an opportunity to create their own story about a Dinosaur and share their story in front of the class
– Children will use fine motor skills to create their own dinosaur out of play dough creating a “playdou-a-saur”
– Children will explore dance and drama
Teaching Procedure: Introduction:
– Introduce the topic of dinosaurs
Have children find their “carpet squares” (personal spaces) and have a seat in front of the class.
– Read “The Giant Book Of Dinosaurs” by Butterscotch Books -(ask
questions such as, “What do you think this book is going to be about? What do you think will happen in this story?)
– After the story, talk with the children to remind them of all the different kinds of dinosaurs in the story. Explain that they will be creating playdough-a-saurs and a story about them
– Have children go to their seats and with play dough create their own dinosaur friend If children finish early, have them start the next step
– (Next step) Have children create a story about their dinosaurs on a piece of paper using crayons, markers or both Let the children write out their stories (If they need help writing, write down their exact words that they say within their story)After everyone has finished their stories, have all the students come back to the front of the class with their carpet squares.
– Have the children introduce their Dino-Friend and take turns reading their story in front of the class.
– After everyone has had a turn, have them return their stories and Dino-Friends to their cubbies (or desks) Introduce a piece of music
– Ask the children to think of how they think their Dino-Friend dances
– Have all the children dance just like their Dino-Friend
– Teachers will present a story. Students will explore with playdough. Students will create their own stories about their playdou-a-saurs.
Students will read their stories to the class demonstrating their knowledge of the subjects. Students explored through art and dance different aspects of dinosaurs.
– Observe the children’s playdough-a-saurs to see the complexity that the child completed it in. Keep the dino-stories for portfolio evaluation.