Number Line Printable
Number Line printable to help with skip counting or rounding. Number lines are by 10s, 100s, and 1000s. Number Lines pdf
Math Key Words
This key word chart can help struggling students with Math problems. Math Key Words pdf
Different Kinds of Graphs
In the following math lesson, students will answer questions by collecting data, representing data, and communicating results. They will also use these results to predict future outcomes. Students will be able identify different types of
Equalities – Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To
Greater Than/Less Than #1 & #2 Less Than < Greater Than = Equal To Level: 5-6 Equalities – Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To #1 PDF Equalities – Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To #2
Fractions Addition Math Worksheet
Fractions Addition Worksheet Math Lesson Plans Grades: 5-6 Fractions Addition Worksheet PDF
Fractions Subtraction Math Worksheet
Fractions Subtraction Worksheet Math Lesson Plans Grades: 5-6 Fractions Subtraction Math Worksheet PDF
Fractions Multiplication Math Worksheet
Math Lesson Plans Grades: 5-6 Fractions Multiplication Math Worksheet PDF
Fractions Division Math Worksheet
Math Lesson Plans Grades: 5-6 Fractions Division Math Worksheet PDF
Reducing Fractions Math Worksheet
Math Lesson Plans Grades: 5-6 Reducing Fractions Math Worksheet PDF
Reducing Improper Fractions Worksheet
Math Lesson Plans Grades: 5-6 Reducing Improper Fractions Worksheet PDF
Real Life Math
In the following lesson, students shall have the opportunity to represent real-life situations mathematically. Using number sense, they will use part-to-whole concepts to describe window panes. This is a great math lesson for intermediate grades
In the following lesson, student’s will gain knowledge about the isosceles, scalene, and equilateral triangles and distinguish the difference between them. They will measure the sides of the triangles and measure the angles to determine
Multiplication Tables
Multiplication Tables are a great manipulative that can help students beginning to learn multiplication or students who struggle with learning multiplication. It can be used to help solve quotients, missing factor problems, word problems, and
Multiplication Helper
Here is a sheet you can pass out to student’s learning multiplication. This sheet includes the rules for multiplying by 1,2,5, and 10 with example problems. It also includes the 20 problems you need to
Fraction Word Problems
Here is a printable worksheet with fractions word problems. This would work well for advanced 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and review for 4th grade and up. Fraction Word Problems PDF
Least Amount of Coins
Printable worksheet of a practice problem for least amount of coins. This could be used for reteaching or an exit slip or ticket out the door. Least Amount of Coins Lesson Plan PDF
Candy Hearts Bar Graph and Questions
Here is a printable worksheet you can use with candy hearts. Great for Valentine’s Day. It allows students to line up their candy hearts by color vertically to compare them like a bar graph. It
Polygon Center with Checklist
Here is a printable geometry center on polygons. It comes with a checklist of common polygons. There is a link to the a website to add technology to your center as well. Polygon Center with Checklist