Welcome To The New & Improved K6edu.com!
Free Lesson Plans & Resources for K-6 Elementary Education Teachers
Welcome! K-6edu.com is a great place where you can find lesson plans for the elementary levels kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade and 6th grade. All lesson plans and worksheets are free to download! You will find lessons in subjects such as reading, math, language, social studies, science, art, health, music & physical education. You will find lessons, word lists, activities, curriculum, graphic organizers, integrated projects, classroom fillers, classroom management, mental health strategies and many other helpful links. We are a growing site and things will continuously be added as we develop them. This is a great teaching tool that will help you grow and your students learn. It includes lesson plans written by dedicated and licensed teachers always looking to improve the way we teach.
Our Latest Lesson Plans
Editable Problem and Solution Worksheet
Problem and Solution Worksheet Students can edit this worksheet. It can be added to google classroom as an online assignment. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-vz6gIlHWy8XAUIoZvzixHedn6zZ9v_wlNRosZRUQ4E/edit?usp=sharing
Editable Graphic Organizer Venn-Diagram
As we are moving to a world of online learning. This google slides file can provide an editable venn-diagram your students are able to type answers into. Help them organize their thoughts as to what
What’s in the Bag
Use this sharing letter to inform parents when it is a student’s turn for sharing or show and tell. What’s in the Bag pdf
Behavior Chart with Times
Behavior Chart pdf
Back To School Lesson Plans
What’s in the Bag
Use this sharing letter to inform parents when it is a student’s turn for sharing or show and tell. What’s in the Bag pdf
When is it Okay to Interrupt Poster
A humorous poster using bitmojis to tell your students when its okay to interrupt. When is it Okay to Interrupt pdf
Meet the Teacher
Meet the Teacher template. This is great tool for open house, classroom guides, or just to introduce yourself Meet the Teacher (1)
Open House Sign In Sheet
Use this sign-in sheet to keep track of who shows up to your Open House. Sign-In Sheetpdf
Lesson Plan Packets
Reading Comprehension
Our site now includes comprehension packets that can be used for reading classes including guided reading. These are for books at many levels including chapter books. It includes activities that incorporate the needed skills to improve reading comprehension such as making predictions, increasing vocabulary, using context clues, and making inferences. Students will have the opportunity to break apart vocabulary words by recognizing prefixes, suffixes, and root words.
State Quizzes
These state quizzes are a great addition to your social studies curriculum, great for grades 3 through 6. The quizzes include important information about each state including the state capital, nickname, tree, flower, bird, abbreviation and much more! Click below to download your state or all 50 states. Also check out our State Capitals Quiz.
Graphic Organizers
Our site now includes Graphic Organizers. These are reproducibles that can be printed and modified to go with any subject. They model higher-level thinking skills and help students keep their work organized and easy to read. Some of our new graphic organizers include story prediction charts, KWL charts, sequencing, webs, venn-diagrams, main idea, cause and effect, outlines, and many more. These graphic organizers make teaching easy!